Part 2- War and Post War Years Biography 1941- (Tip Follow videos to expedite)
Continue gathering information from Rye Chronicle Articles and Veterans Obituary to complete Biography

Step 1Search to search old Rye Chronicle Articles. Continue with the Article results page from Part 1

Tip It helps to keep Article information organized. Organize all in Chronological Order for your Biography. Pre 1941 or pre high school, War Years 1941-1945, Post War 1946 +

Write or copy notes of interest from all articles on this veteran between 1941-1945. Then continue to articles containing information found in Post War 1946+.

Use Rye Chronicle articles to gather pertinent life information. Copy and Paste information into your word document. Incorporate all your notes into the narrative completed in Part 1

Step 2 – Go back to veterans page. Click on the Tab "Extended Info" here you will find the veterans obituary (if found) and maybe other items of interest to be incorporated into the final biography.

Incorporate this information into what you have already gathered to complete Biography

Completed Bio might look like something below Example

"Frank J. Russo was born in New York on 12/15/1918. In Rye he lived at 118 Maple Avenue, with his mother Grace and his four siblings: Antoinette, Leonard, Mary and Margaret. His mother was head of the household and worked as a maid in a private home. Before the war Frank was employed as a Caddy at one of the local golf courses. All members of the family worked and chipped in to make ends meet during the depression years. Frank was a Rye High School Graduate, Class of 1937. During his high School years he was active in many sports and clubs including baseball, golf and the Finger Print Club. Growing up in Rye Frank was an active member of the YMCA. He participated in softball, boxing and even in an exhibition basketball game played while the players rode donkey's. Frank enlisted in October of 1942 and served in the U.S. Army during World War II." Mr. Russo served in the 2nd Armored Division in France and Germany. On July 27, 1947, he married Connie Allevl at the Holy Name of Jesus Church in Valhalla.

Mr. Russo was employed as an executive at Pitney Bowes in Stamford, Conn., and he worked for Pitney Bowes for 40 years, retiring in January 1986. He was president and director of Pitney Bowes' Federal Credit Union. He was also president of the Pitney Bowes Oval Club and a member of the North White Plains Volunteer Firemen's Benevolent Association.

He was a parishioner of Resurrection Church in Rye. Mr. Russo is survived by his wife; three brothers, Anthony, Rocco and Lawrence, all of Rye; three sisters, Dorothy Lamp, Rose and Lucy LaBrusciano, of Rye; a daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren. Mr. Russo was devoted to his family, said his son. "He was not only my father, but my best friend". A brother, Joseph, and a sister, Lee died earlier.

Authors Name

Proceed to Part 3- Form SF-180 Request for Veterans Discharge Record