after graduating NYU 1967, Leonard Sterba served in the US Army Artillery , Vietnam May 1968 thru July 1969....a combat wounded soldier, quang tin province, May 1969 w the rank of specialist 5th class giving fire direction commands to his unit..C battery 1/14 artillery, AMERICAL DIVISION...in support 1/46 infantry Alpha company...Captain Kern Dunagan for his actions received the Congressional Medal of Honor...Mr Sterba after his service pursued a career in advertising, lasting 25 years...a notable radio program the client Warner Lambert perhaps gained favor promoting gum & mint products will be remembered in the DR DEMENTO RADIO MONOLOGUE ..He resides in Seaside Park, NJ......and Pinehurst, NC...He will always remember the Apawamis Club, Rye, NY where his early life was enriched remembering great members and advice never forgotten.
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