Ann Agry Darling
When Ann Agry was born on June 11, 1918, in Evanston, Illinois, her father, Warren, was 28, and her mother, Marian, was 29. In Rye her family lived at 376 Hidden Spring Lane and were members of the Presbyterian Church. In the 1940 census at the age of 21, Ann was a middle child, with older sister Marian and younger brother Warren Agry. Ann's father was 50 and her mother was 51. Both of Ann's parents had a college education. Ann was in college. Ann's father and mother were born in Massachusetts. Ann and her siblings were born in Illinois.
Ann served as an officer in the U.S. Navy during World War II. She married James J Darling on November 24, 1951, in Cook, Illinois.
She died on April 21, 1978, at the age of 59.
Rye Girls Receive Commissions As Ensigns in W. A. V. E. S.
Miss Ann Agry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Agry of Rye Ridge Road, and Miss Sally Goedecke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Goedecke, Hillcrest Lane, received commissions as ensigns in the
W. A. V. E. S United States Naval Reserve (Women's Reserve). at Northampton, Mass. , on Friday. They will report for active duty on Monday Ensign Goedecke in Boston and Ensign Agry in New York. These young women formed the apprentice seamen group to enter the school at Smith College in October and are the first class of Midshipmen to graduate. Ensign Agry is a graduate of Bennington College Ensign Goedecke is a Smith College graduate. They and several other W. A. V. E. S. are skiing at Manchester, Vermont, for a few days.
Friday, January 15,1943 THE RYE CHRONICLE PACE FIVE
Enlistment Date 1: 8 Jan 1943 - Release Date 1: 22 Sep 1945