
Daniel Baffaro a retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer who survived the Japanese attack on Peart Harbor died Tuesday January 29, 1980 in Jacksonville (Fla) Hospital. He was 67.
In addition to his mother who lives at -79 Glen Ave in the village he is survived by his wife Virginia Pearson Baffaro of the village address a daughter Rose Marie Smith of Santa Barbara Calif two brothers Louis of Raleigh NC and Nicholas of Canton NY a sister Mrs Robert (Phyllis) Skane of Trumbull Cohl and a granddaughter Services are being held in Jacksonville

Conversation with Sister-in-law Carlene Baffaro-June 5, 2013 Review by Woody Coddington on Jun 05, 2013
Daniel was born in Italy on July 19, 1912. He immigrated to the US in 1916. Was based in Pearl Harbor with wife Virginia and daughter Rosemarie when Japanese attached on Dec. 7, 1941. His ship was sunk. Career Chief Petty Officer. Died in Jacksonville, FL on Jan. 29, 1980