Kenneth L. Eisaman
Kenneth L Eisaman was born on December 26, 1913, in Dalton, New York, to Maude T Woolworth, age 32, and Alfred Thomas Eisaman, age 33. He had two brothers and one sister.
Kenneth was a graduate of Dalton Union School, Geneseo State University College. He was a Milton School teacher in Rye for several years and lived at 4 Ormond Place.
Kenneth served as an officer in the U.S. Army. He enlisted on July 21, 1942, when he was 28 years old and was a Captain in the Army during World War II.
Kenneth Eisaman Teaching U. S. Soldiers in Japan
Kenneth L. Eisaman , former
member of the Milton School faculty, is now in Nort h Tokyo,
Japan, where he is employed by
the government teaching extension
courses to soldiers. Mr. Eisaman,
who was a captain in the U. S.
Army for three years in the Pacific
area, left in November for his new
post in Japan. He spent Christmas
in Hawaii. Mr. Eisaman was a
teacher of English literature in the
Milton School for seven years.
Friday January 10, 1947 THE RYE CHRONICLE
 Kenneth Eisaman, Dalton Native, Has Important Assignment in Iran New Haven State Teachers college announces that Kenneth L.
Eisaman, assistant professor of
education of the college and supervisor of student teaching at the
Ivy school, has been granted a
two-year leave of absence. He
left July 5 for Iran, where he will
be Teacher Education administration adviser, with the U.S. Operations Mission, International Cooperation, State Department.
While in Iran his center of operations will be the city of Kerman.......
Kenneth settled in New Haven, Conn., where he was a teacher and later associated with the library.
Kenneth L. Eisaman, 75, died unexpectedly on August 24, 1989, in Clearwater, Florida, at the age of 75. He moved to Clearwater only two weeks before his death.
Published in the Genesee County Express of New York on August 31, 1989, p5 https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/95101491/kenne...