Robert Hine Reynolds was born on November 19, 1912, in Burlington, Vermont, to Alice Hine McCarthy, age 20, and Rollo George Reynolds, age 26.
Robert Hine Reynolds married Janet Ewing Charles in Harrison, New York, on June 25, 1938, when he was 25 years old. In Rye his family lived on Purchase Lane and were members of the Presbyterian Church.
Robert enlisted on August 14, 1942, when he was 29 years old. He was as an officer in the U.S. Navy during World War II and served as a Naval aviation instructor.
Lieut. Robert Reynolds, U. S. N. R. has a ten days leave and is with Mrs. Reynolds at the home of Miss Emily Charles on Purchase Lane. Lieut. Reynolds and Mrs. Reynolds have been in Pensacola, Fla. , and will soon go to Hollywood, Fla. , where he will instruct naval aviation.
THE RYE CHRONICLE Friday, September 24, 1943

REYNOLDS. In Old Saybrook. Robert H. Reynolds, 65, of 6 Blueberry Lane, Old Saybrook, died April 5, 1978.
Husband of Janet (Charles) Reynolds; father of Charles Reynolds of Darien, Keith Reynolds of Portland, Wash., Mrs. Peter Mickael of Dallas, Texas; brother of George Reynolds of Walpole, N.H., Mrs. Elizabeth Arter of Miami, Fla., also survived by , five grandsons.
Private funeral services at the convenience of the family. There are no calling hours. Swan Funeral Home, Old Saybrook, in charge of arrangements.