Branch of Service Unknown - Rye N.Y. - WWIIThe Rye N.Y. veterans listed on this page branch of service has not been identified. The objective of this website is to create a biography for each veteran. By clicking a name below it will bring you a page dedicated to that individual. On this page we have tried to provide as much information as possible but we need help filling in the blanks.
We are looking for information regarding these men and women including: Branch of Service, Discharge Records, pictures, Rye address during the war, Date of birth, Date of death, obituaries. We are also looking specifically for the outfit of the Service which they served,Example (US Army, K Company, 15th Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division).
In an effort to make this website interactive we have created on the bottom of each Veterans page a "Comments Link" to fill in missing information, correct inaccuracies and for personal memories.